CSE Workshop on Modeling, Simulation & Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications 2024 (11.-13.3.2024) - Groß Schwansee
This workshop brings together leading experts from modeling, optimization, numerics and simulation, with principal investigators and young researchers. The aim of the workshop is to foster collaborations of the applied/numerical/computational mathematics departments of the universities in northern Germany.
CSE 2024 will be held at the wonderful property in Groß Schwansee from March
11 to 13, 2024. On March 11, the workshop begins at 10:30, and on March 13, the workshop closes around 15:30.
The following researchers have agreed to present a plenary lecture at the
- Janin Jäger (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
- Euan Spence (University of Bath)
- Christian Wieners (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Registration is now closed!
The workshop is hosted by the Research Training Group RTG2583 and is co- funded by
the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Please book your hotel room directly at Schlosshotel Groß Schwansee (Bankett@schwansee.de or +49 38827 8848-0). We have reserved a room contingent at the rate of 99,00€/ per night which is available with the reference code "CSE Workshop 2024" at a first come basis. (Please note that an energy fee of 5,00€ per person/stay will be added to the room rate. )
Please remember to make the hotel reservation on your own since it is not included in the registration. Rooms are only blocked for us until 31.12.2023!
The accommodation is not included in the registration fee and has to be paid individually at check-out.