Research Areas
Under the roof of the collatz-Centre it is intended to bond Mathematics and Computer Sciences with simulation-based sciences in Hamburg through joint interdisciplinary education and research in the three areas
A. High performance computing in the simulation sciences
B. Mathematical modeling & algorithm development
C. Model-based optimization and design
Most of our research in these three mainstays have been done in PhD projects under the roof of our graduate school, the Lothar Collatz school. Some further projects are preliminary studies that are worked on by Master students, some are dealt with by third-party funded Post-Doc researchers. Details on the projects can be found by clicking on the areas A, B, and C.
More recently, the Research Training Group (RTG) 2583 has been established in 2020. It is the present graduate school of the Collatz Centre and hosts a number of PhD projects. More details on the RTG may be found here.