Project B9 (finished)
B9 - Ingenuin Gasser, Peter Hoffmann: Developing a multi-sector urban development impact model
Principal investigator: Ingenuin Gasser
Background and Motivation
We live in the "century of the city": Over 50% of the world's population lives in cities, tendency rising. Cities are not just appealing living spaces but can also harbor risks. For instance, climate change could lead to more frequent extreme weather events, which threaten the urban population. Having recognized that sustainable urban development needs to take such factors into consideration, the State of Hamburg started the funding of a research project intended to identify optimal approaches with a focus on urban health from January 2015 onwards. The project "Cities in Transition – Developing a multi-sector urban development impact model" will bring together researchers from meteorology, geography, urban planning, medicine, engineering sciences, mathematics and other disciplines.
Universität Hamburg, the HafenCity University Hamburg, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf participate in the project of the "Landesforschungsförderung" (LFF).
Aims and Objectives
may be found here (in german)
1. Liang E. Yang, P. Hoffmann, J. Scheffran, S. Rühe, J. Fischereit, I. Gasser:
An Agent-Based Modeling Framework for Simulating Human Exposure to Environmental Stresses in Urban Areas, Urban Sci., 2(2), 36; doi:10.3390//urbansci2020036 (2018).
2. P. Hoffmann, J. Fischereit, S. Heitmann, K. Heinke Schlünzen, I. Gasser: Modeling Exposure to Heat Stress with a Simple Urban Model, Urban Sci., 2(1), 9; doi:10.3390/urbansci2010009 (2018).